1. General provisions

1.1 The „The Art of TRE® 2.0” workshop with Dr. David Berceli will be held on June 12-14, 2020 in Sangate hotel, ul. Ochrony Obrony Robotników 32, 02-148 Warsaw, in conference room on the ground floor.

1.2 The organizer of the conference is Trevita Bogdan Pakoca
with headquarters in Wałcz, Os. Dolne Miasto 28/22, NIP: 527-123-33-68

The following terms used in these Regulations shall be understood as:

  • Organizer: Trevita Bogdan Pakoca with headquarters in Wałcz, Os. Dolne Miasto 28/22,
  • Participant: a person registering for the Workshop, sending an application form and making a payment to the indicated account.
  • Workshop – international meeting for TRE® Providers and Teachers

1.3 The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Workshop program and regulations and undertakes to publish updated information on the website.

1.4 The organizer has the right to cancel the event for reasons for which he is not responsible, for random reasons, e.g. announcement of national mourning, illness, indisposition of the teacher or other objective reason beyond his responsibility preventing organization of the Workshop. In this case, the dismissal of the Workshop, the ticket holder has the rights provided by law.

1.5 Due to the nature of the event, the Organizer does not provide any insurance (including accident insurance). Participants can purchase insurance on their own. The Organizer of the Workshop is not responsible for any random events resulting in loss of health or life.

1.6 The Workshop is addressed only to persons certified in TRE®

1.7 The provisions of these Regulations form an integral part of the Application for Participation in the Workshop and apply to all Participants.

  1. Rules for participation in the Workshop

2.1. The condition of participation in the Workshop are:

Application for participation in the Workshop by filling out the form on the website, accepting the regulations and transferring the fee to the account. The payment for the Workshop must be paid to the bank account number provided on the website within 7 days of completing and sending the form. After the funds have been credited to the Organiser’s account, information will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form.

2.2 The Organizer will issue an invoice for the payment made at the Participant’s request expressed in the booking application (select the appropriate option and enter the invoice data). On request, the invoice will be sent to the e-mail address or will be ready for collection on the Workshop day. Failure to fill out the invoice data will result in lack of invoice.

2.3 Each Participant will receive an attendance certificate.

  1. Complaints

3.1. A Workshop Participant who has registered and made a transfer has the right to resign from participation in the Workshop without giving a reason but is obliged to inform the Workshop Organizer of this fact in advance. Such information should be sent to the e-mail address: by 30 April 2020. After this date, no refunds will be given.

3.2 All complaints of Workshop Participants towards the Organizer should be submitted in writing, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the address of the Organiser’s headquarters Trevita Bogdan Pakoca, 78-600 Wałcz, Os. Dolne Miasto 28/22,

  1. Participant’s rights and obligations

4.1 All persons participating in the Workshop and staying at the Sangate Hotel are prohibited from bringing or using dangerous goods, as well as taking any means that may pose a danger to other persons, in particular:

  1. a) alcoholic beverages and intoxicants and drugs;
  2. b) flammable, toxic or radioactive chemicals;
  3. c) all weapons, explosives and pyrotechnics;
  4. d) personal defense equipment

4.2 Participants are obliged to ensure cleanliness and order in the places where the Workshop takes place;

4.3 Participants bear full material responsibility for their destruction at the facilities where all activities related to the Workshop are carried out.

4.4 Smoking is strictly forbidden in the Workshop area.

4.5 The Organizer has the right to remove from the Workshop area persons who violate the provisions of the Regulations. Such persons are not entitled to a refund of the ticket costs.

4.6 Security guards have the right to check the belongings of participants to prevent unwanted events.

4.7 The Organizer is not responsible for the belongings of the Participants left unattended.

  1. Final provisions

5.1 In the event that the Workshop is not held for reasons solely attributable to the Organizer, the Organizer shall immediately refund the amounts paid by the Participants to the bank accounts indicated by them.

5.2 In the event that the Workshop does not take place for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, the so-called „Force majeure”, the Participant is not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of any fees related to participation in the Workshop, as well as the costs of additional services ordered by the Workshop participants to the Organizer.

5.3 The Workshop, or its fragments, will be recorded by the Organizer by creating an audiovisual and photographic recording. The workshop will be filmed and photographed.

5.4. Registration of participation and participation in the Workshop is tantamount to the Participant’s consent to use his image for recordings and photos, and the Participant’s consent to their commercial dissemination. The above arrangements apply to the case when the participant is filmed or photographed while participating in the Workshop in the vicinity of the instructor, and when the participant voluntarily consents to an interview in front of the camera or to posing for a photo. The participant agrees to: register his voice, record his person, place photos and film materials (in whole or in part) containing his image registered during participation in the Workshop.

5.5. Any disputes that may arise from participation in the Workshop will be settled by the court competent for the seat of the Organizer.

5.6 Sending the registration application placed on the Workshop website means acceptance of the provisions of these Regulations, as well as compliance with order regulations and all other arrangements made between the Participant and the Organizer.

5.7 In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.

5.8 Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of August 29, 1997 (Journal of Laws 133 of October 29, 1997, item 833), the Workshop Organizer does not transfer, sell or lend the Participants’ personal data collected to other persons or institutions. Personal data provided by the Participant are treated as confidential information and are used only for the purpose of communication between the Participant and the Workshop Organizer. The workshop is closed and does not constitute a mass event within the meaning of the Act of 23 March 2009 on the safety of mass events (Journal of Laws 2009 No. 62, item 504).

5.9. These Regulations come into force on the day they are posted on the Workshop website.